BuildStrong Academy of Colorado

The BuildStrong Academy of Colorado, led by Oakwood Homes, is serving under-employed and unemployed adults, military veterans and youth.

Join Our Construction Skills Bootcamp!

1. You’ll earn certifications and skills that will make you a top job candidate.

2. We’re a long-term resource.

3. We’ll help you meet the right employers.

Ready to get trained? Fill out an interest form to get started!

Quick & Easy Registration

Job Seekers

1. Register today!

2. Complete your career profile

3. Complete BuildStrong Academy of Colorado courses

  Job Seeker Registration


1. Register today!

2. Complete Company Profile

3. Post entry level positions 

  Employer Registration

Powered By

Building Talent Foundation
Oakwood Homes
Home Builders Institute
Precision Building Systems
Community College of Aurora
Denver University