Lakeville Works

Your In-Demand Career Connection

Your In-Demand Career Connection

Our Why

  • To create awareness of in-demand careers in the Lakeville area.
  • To educate our students, parents, and educators on ALL the paths to success.
  • To show students how to match their skills and interests to a career and lifestyle that will fulfill them.
  • To break down the stigma of options that are not a 4-year path.

Current Job Seekers

Lakeville Works highlights Lakeville Chamber members who are currently hiring for FT, PT, seasonal, and students.

Future Leaders

Lakeville Works has a student resources page, with information and tips for our next generation of leaders.

Business Community

Lakeville Works aggregates information, resources, and programs that can assist and support workforce solutions for our business community.

Quick & Easy Registration

Job Seekers

  1. Register today!
  2. Complete your profile
  3. Add Skills, Certifications, and additional information to complete your resume for submission

  Job Seeker Registration


Employers, fill your job vacancies with talented candidates today!

  1. Take 30 seconds to register
  2. Only 2 minutes to post a job opening
  3. Specify how candidates should apply - phone, email, or link

  Employer Registration

Powered By

Building Talent Foundation
Lakeville Chamber
Lakeville Works